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Spain Personals - Female Dating

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Last Updated: Sat Apr 27 20:00:01 MDT 2024
      maggiezhy          Barcelona Spain

    Age: 31
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: A Relationship
    Listed in: Spain Personals

maggiezhy single F from Barcelona Spain
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Hi, thanks for shopping by. I am an ENERGETIC, easy- going, warm-hearted person.humorous and laugh a lot. I am keen on tennis, cooking, exercise and ravel, reading books.Professionally, i am having master now and considering which area to restart a career. ...more

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      hazel          marbella Spain

    Age: 38
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

hazel single F from marbella Spain
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Are you like me and looking for an friendly,intimate relationship although quite happy to make friends if it doesn't go this way? I'm looking for a likeminded person who has high standards and enjoys living. I've been single for a while and had some interesting moments but now I'd like to love and be with a special person. I am 38, slim, brown hair, blue eyes and looking to meet anyone 23-40. I like younger men mostly as they tend to look after themselves better and have more energy! I love to keep fit and healthy. so only contact me if you're a non-smoker, non drug taker and social only drinker. ...more

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      Carolina          Barcelona Spain

    Age: 31
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

Carolina single F from Barcelona Spain
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HI! My name is Carolina. Height 1,61m; Weight 53/54Kg, brown, wavy-haired, brown/green eyes, with a good-girl, quite nice face. I am honest, sensible and "incurably romantic". I am working for a multi-national Company as the Personal Assistant to the General Manager. I love cinema, theatre, reading, having fun. My favourite season: SUMMER, I love sun and warm weather. Living on the outskirts of Barcelona City, I would like to meet a single/divorced guy with no children, aged between 28 and 36, who lives in the area and is between 1.76m and 1.85m tall. He should also be quite good-looking, proportionally built and have, for preference, wide shoulders. To my liking, no ...more

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      rosew          peru Spain

    Age: 36
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Bisexual
    Seeking: Marriage
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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Am just an easy going personAm just an easy going personAm just an easy going personAm just an easy going personAm just an easy going personAm just an easy going personAm just an easy going person ...more

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      Olga          Voronezg Spain

    Age: 35
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: Marriage
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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A smart,handsome,open minded,honest,life loving. 35 years old, divorced with 12-years old son. I like laughing and I adventure alot. Financially stabile. And I like to KNOW others then to choose them as friend or more. ...more

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      erika          bogota Spain

    Age: 32
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: A Relationship
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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Im a funny womman, honestly and lovely. I like movies and sports. Im divorce whith two kids, there are my life. I want to know any person in the word ...that he has a good feelings and honest relationship. ...more

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      RENS          VALENCIA Spain

    Age: 37
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: A Relationship
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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Well,once true character is revealed by the clarity of once convictions, the choices we make, and the promises we keep. What we say do define who we are.Hi am a very flexible, witty, intelligent, smart, romantic, confident, down to earth, somewhat sassy and cheeky but quick to laugh and outgoing. I have great sense of humour, and can laugh at myself in the face of embarrassment. I enjoy many things and willing to try diff. I appreciate in-depth conversation especially with someone who speaks in complete sentences using standard VIBS and TUNES. Am interested in meeting a man with morals and good intentions.A man with some directions, gainfully employed or otherwise. ...more

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      Mary          Valencia Spain

    Age: 39
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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I am an American living and working in Spain. I have been here for two years and love the spanish lifestyle. I enjoy traveling, movies, working out, good food and wine. I am outgoing and attractive, or so I have been told. I have friends here but they are all attached. I love to go out and have fun but also enjoy staying in. Looking forward to meeting someone to share what life has to offer. ...more

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      bimosara          Malaga Spain

    Age: 40
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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I enjoy getting to know interesting and friendly people from all over the world . I am positive and I love learning new things and sharing what I have experienced in my travels and activities, discovering the magic world of different Languages and cultures, the world diversity of cultural geography… I love building sincere and stimulating friendship. If we stop to develop, to explore we actually stop living - because then it is a stand still. In general I would consider myself to be open in my way of thinking, to be a very straight forward person . What I expect from others? Well, I do not really like the word ...more

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      Marisol          Viña del Mar Spain

    Age: 40
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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Hi...i am a nice blond athletic woman who would like a romantic friend that could be something more. I enjoy very much sports , music and outdoors aswell as an intelectual and spiritual conversation. I want to meet a honest person who doesn´t want to hurt or be hurt....i´m not in a hurry. Family values and love comes first ...more

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      a          marbella Spain

    Age: 39
    Sex: Female
    Sexual Preference: Straight
    Seeking: dating, singles
    Listed in: Spain Personals

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hola, soy ...rubia, zzzzuuuper dientes, yes it's true!!!! & good looking, financially independent....and alone!!!!!!speak 4 idiomas...maybe i'm difficult???? i dive, love the sea, my dog, no kids by the way...i'm 1.67 tall, slim but athletic...etc etc etc and i love having fun, specially now. is it how u meet a...this site. kiss kiss ...more

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