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Looking for Love
30 year old Female seeking dating
Located in Thurmont Maryland US personals

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  Eniola's Details:

Member:   7365180
Gender:   Female
Age:   30
Location:   Thurmont Maryland US
Orientation:   Straight
Height:   5 ft 9 in / 176 - 178 CM
Body Type:   Prefer not to say
Hair Color:   Black
Eye Color:   Black
Seeking:   Marriage
Occupation:   Student
Ethnicity:   Caucasian
Smoking:   I am a non-smoker
Drinking:   I never drink
Drugs:   I do not use drugs
Zodiac Sign:   Libra
About Me:

I am very outgoing,communicative,easy going,outspoken,I am also a very Romantic type,love to cuddle,hold hands while walking,I'm trustworthy so far as people tell me maybe I'm just laid back,lol...I also tend to have a good heart with so much of love to give and to receive. I love attending social events,Love going to concerts,I love slow dance,Salsa,walk in the park,Cinema,Swimming and anything to do with water.I also like fishing and camping.I live a very quiet life and I stay home a lot since I have learned to embrace the quietness and enjoy it. I am committed life to living to the fullest and in growing as a person. Having fun is very important to me and I am looking for someone with whom I can share life's experiences and grow together in faith and love with. My ideal match is someone who has a zest for life,someone who can have laugh and have fun but,and at the same time,he most be responsible and serious.

Who I Would Like To Meet:

I am looking for someone with whom I can share life's experiences and grow together in faith and love with. My ideal match is someone who has a zest for life,someone who can have laugh and have fun but,and at the same time,he most be responsible and serious.

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